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Media Center Schedule Policies and Safety

Mr. Pinta












Mr. Pinta












Mr. Pinta
























LMC Time and Book Checkout









Book Checkout and Renewals

All students are allowed to check out two books* from the library during checkout. Students are encouraged to check out at least one “just right book". This helps build vocabulary, fluency, and helps further develop independent reading skills

Books may be kept for two weeks; students will just need to renew them if they would like to keep them longer. All students are encouraged to bring back their books on time so other students may enjoy them. 

*4th graders are allowed to checkout three books.

Overdue Materials

Overdue notices are printed approximately every 2 weeks. If a book is 4 or more weeks overdue, you will receive a notice asking for the book to be returned or given the cost to replace the book. Students are not allowed to check out new materials until they have returned their overdue books. Please make every effort to find books that were checked out (and not yet returned) from your child's previous school year if they were at Roosevelt.

LMC Expectations

All students have learned "voice level" expectations in school, including the library.  Expectations for our voices during LMC time are:

Level 0 (Silent): There is no talking. 

Level 1 (Whisper Voice): Only one person can hear you. 

Level 2 (Partner): Only the people next to you can hear you.

Level 3 (Presentation): A large group can hear you.

Level 4 (Outside): A loud voice that is only used outside.


Roosevelt Word Art