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ASD Preschool and Kindergarten Program

Preschool and Kindergarten for Students with Autism

Children who attend the Livonia Preschool and Kindergarten Program for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders receive comprehensive services from a multidisciplinary staff who integrate new therapy and treatment approaches. A specialized curriculum includes various forms of applied behavior analysis, social relational models, picture exchange, sign language and other research based intervention strategies.

The program has a strong sensory component. An occupational therapist, certified in sensory integration provides on-going support to staff and parents. Each child's sensory diet is addressed in all environments by trained staff.

Positive behavioral supports are used to manage behavior issues. The TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication-handicapped CHildren) system is one method used by staff. It is found to be extremely effective for managing behavior by using predictable routines and visual systems. Work areas are clearly defined, and organized with a clear beginning and ending.

With strong emphasis on communication, program staff regularly participate in seminars, receiving current information in the use of various communication devices. The philosophy of the program is to assume that any student can learn to speak. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the intense individual therapy is speech for each child.

Children attend a half day session, 3 1/2 hours a day, Monday through Thursday and alternate Fridays. Children in ASD Kindergarten attend Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-3:35 p.m.


Have you heard about Cub Club?

Kindergarten volunteers and ASD kindergarten and preschool students are spending Thursdays playing and learning together in Cub Club!  The project is part of ongoing collaboration between Roosevelt's preschool for students with autism spectrum disorder and kindergarten classes.  The goal of Cub Club is for students to meet each other, play together, and practice and reinforce basic social skills. The club kicked off with all of our kindergarteners learning about autism spectrum disorder.  They learned that all people are alike and different in so many ways.  Preschoolers with autism may be different, but they all want to learn in school, make friends, and have fun playing!  On Thursdays, Roosevelt's gym is set up with a rotating variety of fun tasks for young learners:  climbing wall, balloons, parachute, bowling, even a backyard "roller coaster!"  Cub Club groups enter the gym for a 30-minute play session where kindergarten students are coached on how to get a friend's attention, greet friends and wait for a response, and share with friends! Cub Club is a chance for kids to learn from kids and have fun at the same time!

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